James birren guided autobiography classes

  • James birren guided autobiography classes
  • Guided autobiography method.

    James birren guided autobiography classes

  • James birren guided autobiography classes
  • James birren guided autobiography classes near me
  • Guided autobiography method
  • James birren guided autobiography
  • James birren guided autobiography classes free
  • The Guided Autobiography Method

    Guided Autobiography or GAB has been researched and developed by Dr. James Birren over the past 40 years as a method for helping people document their life stories.

    You can read more about Dr. Birren and his lifetime work and legacy at The Birren Center for Autobiographical Studies. GAB shows how to organize, record, and share life experiences through a proven and effective technique.

    As trained and certified Guided Autobiography instructors, Leigh and Lily lead participants through themes that tackle the richest part of our history- themes such as family, our work, health, death and forks in the road that changed our life direction.

    We use priming questions with each class that help unlock and illuminate memories of events once known but often filed away and seemingly forgotten. These two-page personal essays are the building blocks to your Life Story Project.

    Each week these stories we have written outside of class are shared with the